I started this inquiry project with a guilty conscious. Busy with school and work, I found myself becoming more reliant on prepackaged foods and my trash output was increasing. Ever since I was young, I have always had an interest in environmentalism but have struggled to implement best practices in my everyday life. I have always tried my best for a little bit and then I fall off the bandwagon when things get busy. For this inquiry project, I really wanted to focus on two things. First, what changes can I make in my everyday life that would be easy to stick with? Second, which changes will make the biggest difference in terms of carbon output?
After analyzing my waste for a week, I found that there were three big areas of waste that I had. The first were things that could be recycled, composted, or consumed (food waste), that were ending up in the landfill. The second was waste from buying convenience goods like to-go food. The third was waste that I didn’t ask for but was responsible for, like receipts at the grocery store. I decided that the first two would be the best to focus on.
I was shocked to discover how much food waste the average Canadian creates – about $1,300 worth per household. When I started to analyze my food waste, I found some obvious areas for improvement. I started freezing leftovers before they went bad for future use. I started keeping a list on the phone of all the things in my fridge so that I can remember not to buy more of that things at the grocery store and plan my meals around those. I also started using parts of the fruit and vegetable I wouldn’t usually eat, like broccoli stems.
A really helpful change was that I shifted to being more prepared when I’m out of the house to avoid buying unnecessary items when I’m out and about. I started keeping instant coffee in my backpack and at work. I started making granola bars/granola at home and having that in my backpack and at work to avoid buying unnecessary packaged food.
Overall, this project made me realize that making personal changes is helpful, but in order to save our planet governments and large companies need to start making an effort. The biggest change that I will make is to vote for the environment in the next municipal, provincial, and federal elections.